Strategic Points™ Approach Group is an initiative that promotes innovative, sustainable strategic insights into the management of communication, corporate image and relationships with key stakeholders. We help managers and organizaorganizationstions to properly build strategies, respond to the dynamics of change in the environment and prepare for the unpredictable future events.

The Project’s Aim

The existing business environment can be characterized by high dynamics, pace and intensity of information coverage. This generates an increasing number of image risks for organizations and managers. Appropriate, consistent and active management of the areas of communication, as well as the relationship with both external and internal environments, is one of the key factors in meeting the intended strategic objectives. In many cases, this area becomes the main area for competition and building competitive advantage in the market. Therefore, building long-term, conscious, complementary and consistent relations with the environment cannot be limited only to advertising and promotional campaigns, current public relations activities or corporate communication.

Strategic Points™ Approach Group is an initiative that promotes innovative, sustainable strategic insights into the management of communication, corporate image and relationships with key stakeholders.


The method used by Strategic Points™ Approach Group is mainly based on a proprietary systemic diagnosis of the organization’s environment, including the identification of the expectations of the company’s key stakeholders, as well as the examination and qualitative assessment of the relations with these defined stakeholders and the business and social environment. Afterwards, depending on the relevant assumptions, we design scenarios of activities supporting the achievement of the Client’s intended objectives in the area of strategy implementation, communication and corporate image in the mid- and long-term perspectives.


Strategic Points™ Approach Group offers the expertise of a team of experienced management, image and strategic communications experts, who actively operate in business and science, and are available to suit the needs of a particular project. The multi-dimensional perspective on how an organization operates in a complex environment, together with The Strategic Points™ passionate team of experts, lead to a proper, creative environment. The project is not a think-tank, although it does function in a similar way, performing analyses on potential trends and development directions in the client’s setting. It carries out expert-consulting analyses, prepares scenarios of events and provides recommendations, the final aim of which is to develop solutions targeted at specific needs and expectations of the Customer, in relation to consistent building of a coherent image and position on the market.


The Group offers a wide range of expertise in strategic management, communication and the creation of professional images for brands and managers. It provides tools that enhance the confidence of strategic decisions, based on a method of analyzing the environment in a coherent way that is very practical for the client. It delivers complexed analysis of the strategic communication consistency and multi-variant action scenarios prepared on their basis. Clients interested in building a sustainable, credible market position and achieving their business goals see the added value of the proposed solutions, including by relying on professional and coherent strategic communication addressed accurately and effectively to key stakeholders. Given the volatility of the environment, customer expectations, multidimensional trends, social changes and the multitude of tools and channels for communicating with the world, such activities should be planned and of a long-term nature in order to achieve the intended market and image results.

Project Coordinator

The coordinator of the Strategic Points™ Approach Group project is Sławomir Krenczyk, manager, academic teacher, specialist in the fields of management, public relations, communication, and marketing. The team also includes experts and managers with experience in the management boards of listed companies, international corporations and consulting firms.

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